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Sabah Hassain Enayah

Thi-Qar university/ Collage of Science

Phone: 07822914984

Ph.D., Human Toxicology

The university of Iowa


MSC. Neurology 

The university of Iowa 


MS.C., Histology

Thi-Qar university



BS.C., Biology

Basrah university




Lecturer Thi Qar University Thi -Qar, Iraq 2008-2010
Worked for fall time as lecturer teaching student and working as lab administrator in the same university. This work emprove my ability teaching and built good relationship with all the staff and students

Assistant Teacher, Thi Qar University Thi -Qar, Iraq 2006-2008
After getting my Master in Histology, I got my chance to pursue the work which I like as assistant teacher and lab assistance teaching and doing research approach. Working on several graduation projects also help to earn some lab and thinking skills.

Lab assistance

Working as lab assistance helped me to get more and more bench work and team work experience. Through this position, I also learned proposal writing experiences.


Taught Biology classes in department of Biology in Collage of science in Iraq:
Cell Biology around 6 sections showing the structure of the cells and all the protein and crucial enzymes with their functions and reaction.
General Biology describing the tissue and organs.
Organic Genetics, explain for the student the basic compound of DAN and RNA. Elucidate all genetic traits heredity and mutations.
Neurotoxicology teach undergraduate student the neuron structure and the effects of varies sort of toxic that seriously impact on neuron and lead to some of neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer.


Clinic toxicology class to 5th stage pharmacy students to teach them how to deal with patients who suffered from poisoning. I am also trying every year to explain the different effects of chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides on human health. Additionally, teach mechanism of toxicology 4th stage pharmacy collage. Showing the students the main pathways and mechanism of toxicants.

Laboratory Biology during this class I was explain to the student how they are using the lab tools and equipment. Pronounce to the student that the role of the lab needed to be known before they are involved in their actual lab.


Personal Work Philosophy

Teamwork: I am committed to enthusiastically working with other scientists in successfully undertaking team projects within The University of Iowa academic environment and following the expert advice and supervision of teachers, advisors, and co-workers.

Willingness to Learn: I am dedicated to developing my understanding and to study effects of lead on worker health in the construction industry in Iowa and the industry of cables and wires in Thi-Qar, Iraq. I am focused on problem solving to accomplish my Ph.D. here in USA and back home in my country.

University of Iowa/ Human Toxicology: Dr. Ludweig

During Ph.D study and trying to find the effect of Co-exposure to lead and PCBs on neuron cells. Ph.D thesis included human and in vitro work using neuron cells model. Dealing with PCBs and understanding the pathways of toxicant also was one of the achievement in Dr. Ludweig lab. Thesis work come out with 3 papers. Contribute in side work represented by study the effect of PCB126 on liver managed by Dr. Robertson. I have honor to be the student who establish the comet assay in Dr. Ludweig lab and use this assay in Dr. Robertson project.

Thi- Qar university/ Histology Dr. AL sadde

Mc.S study trying to study the hsto-pathological changes in some organisms of the male rabbits after lead acetate treatment and the role of penicillamine and vitamin C in the treatment.


Human blood certification Animal Use
Cell culture use Dissection


HPLC GS/MS ICP/MS Cell culture Microtome Histo-kinet

Peer Reviewed Publications in Arabic

*Study of the effect of concentrations of aluminum chloride on some of the criteria and weights of vessels in male laboratory mice, Mus musculus, and the role of tannic acid in the treatment.

*Study of bladder cancer in the Thi-Qar Governorate, Iraq.
* ABO Rhesus Blood Groups distribution in the Thi-Qar population, Iraq.
* Study of some infertility cases in men in the Thi-Qar province, Iraq.
* Anemia in pregnant women in Kermit Bunysaad village, Thi-Qar province, lraq.

Evaluation of toxic interactions between heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyls. Invited to give an oral presentation about my Ph.D. work during the Annual Meeting of the Central States Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology (CS-SOT), Oct 8-9. 2015, Kansas City, KS

Assessing the Effects of Pb, Hg, Cd Levels on DNA Damage, a Study of Occupational Exposures and Life Style Behaviors among Construction

Workers in Eastern Iowa. Poster presentation at SOT Meeting in 2015 San Diego, California and CS-SOT 2014 in Kansas City.

Characterize the Neurotoxicity of PCB153 and PCB95 in Vitro. Poster presentation at SOT meeting in 2016 New Orleans.



Arabic, native speaker
English, advanced fluency
Certificate in ESL and teaching certification from university of Iowa language institute



Evaluation of the interaction between heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyl. Heartland Pilot Grant, 2014
Role: PI

Graduate college post comprehensive research award for the spring 2016. Travel awards to SOT meeting in 2015

Papers submitted or in process

* Quantify Toxic Metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) and PCB Exposure among Construction Workers in Eastern Iowa and Investigate any Correlation with Antioxidant Levels and DNA Damage.
* Characterize the Neurotoxicity of PCB153 and PCB95 in Vitro.

* Examine the Neurotoxic Effects of Co-Exposure to Pb and PCBs at Low Level In Vitro * phosphate roles in lead acetate toxicity in Vitro. 


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